If you're unfamiliar with who I am, hi, I'm BlueSkySimmer. I am your typical teenage girly girl who loves to play the sims! On my YouTube channel, I will be making Let's Plays and CAS's so be sure to check it out and subscribe whilst you're there.
Let's start off with the basics. For this challenge, we are to create a single sim, aka our primary sim. We will be living in a custom world, called Isle of the Midnight Sun. If you'd like to try this challenge for your self, the world and rules are included here http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=442322. The world is completely safe and base game compatible. To properly complete the challenge, you will only need The Sims 3 Base Game, World Adventures, and Seasons if you're looking to make it more challenging.
Our sim, Julia Martin, will be stranded on an island in complete isolation and it's a tiny island which is going to make our gameplay a bit harder. Basically, we are going to try to survive any way we know how. On the Isle, there is only a 10x10 lot. This is where we will be living- surviving. That's pretty much all we get. No jobs, classes, town, other sims. Just us living off very little.
I find it quite comical. We just get a little bitty dot to call home. Our sim is going to have it pretty rough. I know a lot of people who I've seen do this challenge were very generous to their sim. I'm going to be much stricter to the rules. I'm also going by the slight modifications I've made to the rules. All the same rules still apply, I'm just making it a bit stricter.
I'm not going to do a full CAS because this post is already going to be quite lengthy. I recorded the full thing, so let me know if you'd like my to upload it to my YouTube channel.
Our primary sim, Julia Martin. She is a human sim, just because I feel that making her supernatural would be varying from the rules.
This is just her everyday wear, you'll be seeing her other clothing later on in the challenge. For her look, I tried to give her a island-ish type of vibe, since she washed up on shore. Below is a list of everything I used for her. I will be linking everything as soon as I'm able to find it.
Skin & Contacts - LemonLeaf.
Cosmetics - Custom ???.
Hair - Store content.
Top - ModTheSims.
Shorts - World Adventures.
Shoes - World Adventures.
Her traits include, loner, loves the outdoors, loves the heat, green thumb, and angler. Since she is a loner, she will enjoy being alone. Same for loves the outdoors, she'll love to be outside. I chose to give her love the heat because the sun never sets on the island. This will help to prevent her from getting sunburnt. Julia also has the green thumb and angler traits which will allow her to level up her gardening and fishing skill faster.
I highly recommend if you're attempting the challenge to give your primary sim the loner trait, whereas they will enjoy being alone.
As for the rules of the game, we have to keep our sim alive, we can only build on this lot, and we have to have a total of 5 generations. I know it sounds impossible to have 5 generations when we only have one sim. This is where World Adventures comes in. The only way we can get a lover is by traveling to one of the three locations, China, Egypt, or France. Our sim is only allowed to visit once per lifetime and can bring one sim back to the island. That sim will become our spouse. When we get more sims, each of them will be able to make the same trips, allowing the generations to continue. Here is where I made the first of several slight modifications. Our primary sim, Julia, will only be allowed to travel to one location as a young adult, one as a adult, and one as an elder. She will never be able to return to the same location. Ex, as a young adult we send her to France. When she becomes an adult and is allowed to visit another location, she is not to return to France. Meaning she will have to visit either China or Egypt.
Julia is not to have a job. Even when we travel to another country, she is not to get a job. I believe with the original rules, you're allow to, but I find it's more challenging not to. However, in other countries I will be allowing my sim to explore. While exploring, she will be able to find gems, stones, vases, money, relics, and such which we can sell for simoleons.
The first thing I did was supply our poor little sim with some basic objects. I also used objects from the Castaway set from ModTheSims which you can find here http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=457515 and the other here http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=458325.
For now, we only have the basic needs. We've got a sleeping bag, fridge, restroom, shower, desk, chair, and computer. I know, you're probally thinking I'm insane for giving our sim a computer, but she will need this in the long run. BUT she cannot socialize with anyone on it!
After we start collecting more money, we will definitely build her some walls and such, but for now what we have will do just fine.
If you have showtime, do not talk to the preformers! You are totally stranded and not allowed to socialize with anyone. When a showtime performer or paparazzi appears, turn on 'testingcheatsenabled true' then shift click .... object... delete it. Poof, there gone and we're back to isolation.
Also, I will not be using any money cheats or lifetime rewards.
Alright guys, that's pretty much all for now. I really hope you enjoyed this little introduction and I'll be posting the first part later tonight.
If you try this challenge for yourself, send me your pictures!
Email - blueskysimmer@gamil.com!
x - BlueSkySimmer
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